Saturday, August 31, 2019

Operation Anaconda

United States Air Force Tactical Air Combat Controllers saved the lives of many of the olders and the entire operation by call in close air support, strafe, and bombing runs. The air operations took out machine gun nest and bunker that were pinning down American troops in the valley. The were also mortar teams raining shells down on to United States and Coalition troops in the valley that were destroyed by United States Air Force Tactical Air Combat Controllers from there're observation points on each side of the valley.The Tactical Air Combat Controllers air strikes allowed the pinned down troops to make much needed headway to find better cover and state returning fire on the machine gun nest and mortar teams. The United States and Coalition troops finally took the valley after heavy fire and sustained losses, which were drastly lessened by the United States Air Force Tactical Air Combat Controllers. In totally the were only eight dead and eighty ingerd United States troops.To becom e a Combat Controller ricuers one of the most rigorous sets of training in the US military. The CCT pipeline has a wash out rate upwards of 80-85%, mostly due to washout and injuries sustained during training. The Air Force is working to lower the washout rate through proper education, testing and rigorous pre-pipeline training. Combat Controllers maintain air traffic controller qualification skills throughout their career in addition to other special operations skills.Many qualify and maintain proficiency as Joint terminal attack controllers. Their 35-week initial training and unique mission skills earn them the right to wear the scarlet beret and their 3 skill level. From that point they attend a 12-15-month advanced skill training course to obtain their 5 skill level. Once they complete AST their training pipeline is finished and they are mission-ready Combat Controllers. Operation Anaconda By Phillipcolburn

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